Feb 27, 2012

A little style

I decided to put pen to paper (or paint to body, whatever) and come up with something for the side. I didn't want to do lettering as I did on the bucket build but it was a little bland so this is what I came up with.

A traditional scallop in black and pinstriped in grey. I am still on the fence with this but it's growing on me. Everything will have to get sanded and smoothed for final paint so nothing is permanent at this phase - we'll see if I still like it in a few weeks.

Seat work

I started working on the seat a bit more, I chopped the passenger side down 5" welded it all back together and put a bit of paint on it. I didn't bother cleaning up the welds as they will all be covered by upholstery.

Feb 6, 2012

Throttle control

This past weekend I made the stand/mount for the accelerator pedal, mounted the choke and made the new control cables then hooked up the linkage. This week the focus will be getting the fuel tank mounted.

Feb 2, 2012

The start of the brake lines

I did a bit more plumbing, running from the combination valve down to the lower firewall. The lines go to -3an fittings at the bottom of the firewall, nothing is tied down just yet so the lines aren't matching up well, everything still has to be disassembled again so I can move onto the next step anyway so I will address that when it comes time.

And here is the brake pressure warning light coming off of the prop valve

Feb 1, 2012

Combination valve

I got my combination valve yesterday from Summit and installed it last night.